There are huge amounts of Muslim developers who have also created plugins for Muslim or Islamic oriented blogs.

WordPress is one the most widely used blogging tool online, it is very easy to use and has a very active community. There are tons of WordPress themes available including Islamic website templates.

The ability to add and remove content on WordPress sites is very easy, almost all the time you can get away with not knowing any programming at all. There are also huge amounts of plugins for WordPress blogs. Plugins allow you to add extra functionalities to your existing WordPress site, it could be anything from arbitrary text to adding short codes. The possibility is endless!

Below are a selection of plugins that have been developed specifically for Islamic WordPress blogs. If you would like to see read the Scripts for Joomla websites post or read the PHP Scripts for Islamic Websites post for non CMS.

Plugins for Muslim websites


Every Muslim WordPress site that wants to display a hijri date alongside the normal Gregorian date then this is the plugin they need.

Display Hijri and/or Gregorian dates on your blog.

The Holy Quran

A plugin that shows a random verse from the Holy Quran, it works as a widget so you can attach it to any part of your site that allows widgets.

Islamic Graphics

This is an excellent idea, especially if you have seen my post on Top Islamic Abbreviations Muslims use in English Writings. The amount of times the abbreviations are used is innumerable. Abbreviations such as s.a.w, p.b.u.h etc have become ubiquitous in Muslim Blogs.

A simple set of short codes to allow authors to insert graphics that represent the common Islamic phrases: SAW, RA, SWT and AS, into WordPress posts and pages.

Phrases included: * ‘alayhis salam * rahimaha Allah * rahimahu Allah * rahimahum Allah * radiallahu anha * radiallahu anhu * radiallahu anhum * sallalahu ‘alayhi wa salam * subhanahu wa ta ‘ala

Both black and white versions of each graphic are included. Romanized text and the English translation can also be inserted to aid readers who do not know Arabic.

Global Quran

If you have read my post on best websites to read the Quran online and you want to create your own? Well this is what you need it allows you to create an entire website that lets users read the Quran from.

It has an array of features including:

  • Quran Text
  • Quran Translations
  • Quran Tafseer
  • Multi-Quran selection – you can select multiple translation, text or tasfeer.
  • Multi-Recitors – select multiple reciters will play one after another.

WordPress Simple Post Quran

It is actually a very old plugin that lets you embed parts of the Quran to your website, it says that it hasn’t been updated in over two years so you may have compatibility issues. None the less, I think this is an excellent Plugin for Muslim Websites especially if you need to add verses of the Quran regularly. I haven’t tested any of these but a good find in my opinion.

Are there any that you use? Or have you come across any that are worth a mention? Let me know via comments below. Shukran!