phpMyAdmin Find and Replace Built-in Feature without SQL
You need to Find and Replace some string of characters or numbers from a column in a MySQL database fast without writing an SQL command, maybe because you're not so [...]
You need to Find and Replace some string of characters or numbers from a column in a MySQL database fast without writing an SQL command, maybe because you're not so [...]
The Premier League season this year 2017-18 is set to top the all-time transfer records, with huge fees being paid. And muslim football players are no exception to it! We [...]
Dhikr which means remembrance, usually translates to remembrance of Allah (dhikr Ullah) are short verses or duas that are uttered silently or aloud to gain rewards. For everything there is [...]
Better late than never, is what I thought when I realised I hadn't created a list of all the islamic calendar dates for 2017. So I'll keep it brief and [...]
Islamic WordPress plugins for your website. WordPress accounts for around 31% of the websites on the entire www! And it has over 42,000 plugins in its repository. This makes it [...]
Dua is asking the creator, Allah (swt) to assist in one's life it is also a means to asking for forgiveness. I have collected a list of verses from the [...]
A world record £89M fee for a Muslim Football Player in the Premier league! It's set to become the most exciting league season, check the entire list of Muslim Players [...]
The complete list of muslim football players, playing this year at the Euro 2016 in France. Notably it is in the month of Ramadan too, here's a piece on nutrition [...]
Islamic website design templates are much-needed as Islamic or Muslim websites are on the rise, some have been around for 10 years or more and some are still up and [...]
A collection of hadith for the youth. It's a very hard challenge getting the children and youth to be islamic, especially with so much distraction around them all the time. [...]