The hijri calendar is the Islamic lunar calendar. We are now in the year 1434, this means that it has been that many years since the authority of Islam was established in the world.
New Islamic Calendar 1436 Download Now Click Here.
The hijra (migration) to the new state meant that muslims were able rule by the Shariah of Allah (swt) without compromise! Halal and haram really meant legal and illegal.
As we have entered the new hijri calendar, the month of Muharram bought many blessings with it.
For a more detailed post on the blessings of Muharram please read the full article on the Importance of the month of Muharram.
One can argue that the hijri calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar. The Islamic calendar is based on the siting of a new moon it is never more than 30 days or less than 29 days. The Gregorian calendar based on the sun is not so accurate as it has to borrow a day here and there and every four years it has an extra day in February hence the leap year.
So to mark the arrival of the new Islamic hijri year 1434, I’ve gathered for you 10 Islamic calendars (few weeks late) to download and print or save as your Islamic desktop wallpaper.
6 Islamic Calendars
Hijri Calendar Blue – Download
Islamic Calendar 1434 Gold – Download
Islamic Calendar 1434 – Download
Silver Colour Hijra Calendar 1434 – Download
Breaking Dawn Islamic Calendar – Download
Hijri Calendar Gold Fusion – Download
These are just a few of my own deviations that I created, I think they came out O.K. What do you think? Please do let me know via your comments and if you liked this then please share and subscribe to the mailing list!
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feel free to leave a comment
Thanks Stevovo, will do!
Dis is great..Pls if anybody could please help me with how i could create my own wordpress themes..I would be very happy…Am creating an islamic blog..Thanks n May Almighty ALLAAH BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY
Thank you! I will try and put some resources together for you insha-Allah!
thank u salah ad deen….
Jazakallahu for your effort! i found what i was looking for. can u please share hijri calendar of the year 2014 with islamic dates. i need both 2013-2014 with hijri dates.
Barak Allahu Feekum, Ill try and do something for you insha-Allah
Baraka-Allahu Tawfiq To Y’all,For I Think You’re Running Such A Needful Work To Provide All These Year Calendar Designs And Share. What A Groovy! Wreak Of Creativity… ‘BRAVO To You SALAH AD DEEN’
Jazak Allah Khayran dear brother!
pls, how can i download the islamic images an
borders in my phone
Hi, you just need to click on the image and then save image as…
Nice Wall Alhamdulillah !
nude pics shld nt be paste on islamic sites
as salaamu ‘alaikum,
I am looking for a Hijri calendar, Arabic/English, that is R-to-L direction, as found in the Middle East. Do you know where I can find it by the month, please?
Thank you.
Assalaamu ;’alaykum wrwb, pls upload 1 new hijri calendar in PDF, I really love the calendar in which you put the images of madinah and makkah etc., also the islamic events that took happened. pls pls upload it jazaakumullaahu khayraan fid dunyaa wa fil aakhirah