Since the last time I created islamic pictures with quotes I haven’t had the time to come back and add the rest of the pictures that I had shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Tumblr. There are 30 images below check it out and download them now!

The earlier post on islamic pictures with quotes is extremely popular and it is one of the most visited pages on this site! Just check the popular posts widget and you’ll see that it is on the top position right now.

In my last post the images that I shared was primarily for Facebook so it was much smaller, 400px by 300px to be precise. This was ok for Facebook as it has a smaller image sharing size and if a bigger picture is shared then it is likely that it wont be displayed entirely. So with that in mind and the fact that mostly, I have posted these on our Tumblr page I’ve made these islamic pictures in a minimum of 600px wide with varying lengths. So you can download and easily post it to twitter, FB, Tumblr, WhatsApp and more without losing quality.

These images are high in quality and contain islamic quotes that are inspirational and motivating from the Quran, Hadith, Sahabas and classical scholars such as Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyyah and others.

I have also included themed islamic pictures including, Night of Qadr (power), the Arab uprising and duas for various occasions.

Islamic Pictures and Quotes

So here are the images, you can download by clicking on the download link or the image itself. In all there are 30 islamic pictures so there are plenty, I hope you enjoy and please share with everyone and if possible please let them know where you got it from, which is This post is split in to three pages so you will have to click on next to view the remainder of the pictures. Enjoy!

Love your Mother. Download

islamic pictures love your mother

Dua for forgiveness. Download

islamic picture about dua

Righteousness Hadith. Download

islamic pictures righteousness

Patience Quotes by Ibn Taymiyyah. Download

islamic picture patience

One Ummah. Download

islamic picture one ummah

Oppressive ruler hadith. Download

islamic picture about an oppressive ruler

Hadith about Oppression – a very important one. Download

Whosoever stands for an oppressor will be afflicted by him!

islamic picture oppressor

Day under a Just Ruler. Download

day under a just ruler

Search for the Night of Qadr Picture. Download

islamic picture search qadr

Dua for Night of Qadr (power). Download

islamic picture night of qadr dua

Night of Qadr Dua two. Download

islamic picture qadr two

View more islamic pictures on the next page.