Hadhrat Uthman Ghani was the 3rd Caliph of Islam, in this post we’ll be looking at some great quotes of Uthman Ibn Affan.

He was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and known as Dhun Nurain (the possessor of two lights) because he married two daughters of the Prophet (saw) one after the other.

He was certainly a man who had wisdom and honour! Before we look at some of the quotes by Uthman (r.a) I want to quote a couple of famous ahadith narrated by Uthman Ibn Affan.

I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: ‘Whoever builds a masjid (mosque) for the sake of Allah, Allah will build something similar for him in Paradise.’ Ibn Majah


The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: ‘The most excellent of you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.’ Ibn Majah

quotes of uthman ibn affan

The seal of Caliph Uthman

We are always reminded about the above ahadith but a few of us perhaps didn’t know who narrated it, indeed it was Uthman (r.a).

It was during the reign of Uthman that he ordered the unification of the Quran, which is now called the Uthmani Script.

During his time as the Caliph, Islam had spread very far east and west, the first initiation of contacts by Muslims to China were initiated by him.

There are many other distinctions of this great man, I could write a lot more but I’ll save that for another day. Let’s now take a look at some of the sayings of Hadhrat Uthman.

Don’t forget to check out some more inspirational islamic quotes.

Quotes of Uthman Ibn Affan

It appears that he was a man of few words, but when he spoke his words were surcharged with wisdom. Included below are Islamic quotes about pride, good habits, patience, essentials, piety and more.

He said that four things are useless, and they are:

  1. Knowledge without practice;
  2. Wealth without expenditure in the way of Allah;
  3. Piety for the sake show prompted by worldliness; and
  4. Long life with no stock of good deeds.

“Do not quarrel, and do not create differences among yourselves. Hold fast to the rope of Allah and maintain unity in your ranks.”

“The thought of the spiritual world sheds light on the soul, but the thought of the terrestrial world casts darkness thereon.”

“Under all circumstances, a person should be patient, otherwise disgrace would be his lot.”

“Acquire wisdom from the story of those who have already passed.”

“The world is proud. Leave it alone lest it entraps by its guises, and teaches you pride which will keep you away from Allah.”

Hadhrat Uthman (r.a) held the following four things as essential:

  1. To associate with the worthy is laudable, but to follow them is essential.
  2. To read the Quran is virtues, but to act according to its injunctions is essential.
  3. To visit the sick is meritorious, but to cause them to make their behests is essential.
  4. To visit the shrines of holy men is piety, but to be prepared for death is essential.

“When the Muslims are disunited they would falter in their faith, and would be bereft of their inherent strength.”

“You will not be conscious of the reality of faith till love for Allah is held dearer than the passion to acquire wealth.”

“The highest degree in Iman (faith) is that you always regard yourself in the presence of Allah.”

“He who makes the book of Allah as his guide would remain safe from sin, and he would be counted among the best of men.”

All quotes and sayings have been taken from the biography of Uthman Ghani by Prof. Masud-ul-Hasan.

That’s all I have time for today, do you know any quotes by Uthman? If so please post them below in the comments section.