So it has been a while since I created a round-up of anything, this time I’m doing a round-up on islamic themes for Firefox.

I use Firefox all the time, I started using it way back in 2004 and haven’t stopped since. If you don’t have Firefox you can download it from the Mozilla website. It is also available in many other languages so if you want to download in other than the English language then you can also download it from the Mozilla website too.

If you have used Firefox themes before then you’ll know that it gives it a personal touch to it. Instead of having the normal window with a fixed colour it allows you to have some very nice images as the browser’s window. Some also have a footer design as well so not only will it have a nice header like below it can also have nice image for the footer of the browser too.

Take a look here:

firefox islamic themes

Firefox theme with butterfly on leaves theme.


The islamic themes for Firefox listed below are simple and just look good, there is nothing complicated or intricate about the designs. If you want to create your own themes then it quite easy to do so, you can use some of my islamic wallpapers from the past and create the themes from it. If you do decide to create it, be sure to let me know so that I can add it here and let others download it too.

To install the themes all you have to do is follow the link from below and then just click on the big green button that says Add to Firefox, make sure you are using a Firefox browser otherwise it wont work.

Islamic Themes for Firefox Browser

m3 Allah

m3 allah firefox theme


islamic theme

Islamic 001

islamic theme firefox islamic 001

Islamic Theme Muslim

firefox islamic theme muslim

Islamic Haram

islamic haram


islamic theme firefox islamic__1


Islamic Themes for FireFox

Allah SWT

Islamic Themes for FireFox Allah swt

Persona Islamike

persona islamike theme

Mohammed Pbuh

mohammed pbuh theme


marhaban islamic themes for firefox

Allah is the Greatest

allah is the greatest theme

SubhanAllah Wallpaper

subhanallah wallpaper theme firefox

Masjid al-Nabawi

islamic theme firefox masjid nabawi

Allah Kalligraphie

allah kalligraphie theme

Allah light Arabesque

firefox allah light arabesque theme

Quds Palestine

al-quds palestine theme

Hazrat Muhammad

hazrat muhammad theme



Islam is the right


Ok now for something a little different even though Ramadan is little way away well couple of months really, so Ramadan Themes for Firefox. Hope you like it.

Islamic Firefox Themes for Ramadan

Ramadan Karim V1

ramadan karim v1



Islamic Ramadan

islamic ramadan

Islamic Theme for Ramadan

islamic theme ramadan

Ramadan 2010 (animated)

ramadan 2010 animated

Ramadan Karim V4

islamic themes for firefox ramadan karim v4

That was the last one in this round-up of Islamic Themes for Firefox, remember to share it with everyone you know and please leave a comment.